Le Vu Nguyen Khanh's projects

My GitHub

Final Year Project - Biometric Authentication / Library Management Suite - Django Web App (Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript) + Android App (Android Studio, Java) + Face Recognition - Machine Learning (TensorFlow Keras)

Eminisce was the Capstone Project for my Big Data course. The topic was Biometric Authentication. I worked in a group of 5 and did the majority of the programming. Our product utilizes fingerprint scanning and face recognition in a library setting to help accelerate the process of borrowing books, eliminating the use of a physical library card which helps avoid cases such as forgetting to bring your card. The product consists of a web application (made with Django) and an Android application. The web application implemented the actual library management functionalities and online interactions with the library system (e.g., browsing catalog). The Android application acted as the self-service machine for library goers to scan their books and their fingerprint plus face to process the borrowing. Fingerprint scanning uses an external fingerprint scanner. Face recognition uses a simple camera. The algorithm I used was FaceNet and trained the model on VGGFace2 dataset with TensorFlow 2.

Slizer Web Version
Slizer - Web hosted version - ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB. Unity WebGL

Originally made for iOS and Android, Slizer is a casual game made by me in 2017 to fulfill my dream of making a real product. Now, I am bringing it to the web powered by popular frameworks to add new features such as leaderboard and score tracking.

- Django Web App (Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

- PHP + MySQL (LEMP Stack)

Username: "guest" Password: "HireMePlease"

Site powered by Microsoft Azure, running on a Linux VM.
This site hosts multiple projects using NGINX and Gunicorn.